
What Can I Do to Maintain My Zoom!® Whitening Results?

May 02, 2024
What Can I Do to Maintain My Zoom!® Whitening Results?
A beautiful white smile can boost your confidence. Zoom!® WhiteSpeed teeth whitening can give you much whiter teeth — and it doesn’t have to be temporary. Here are some steps you can take to maintain your bright new smile longer.

Dental care has entered a new age at Whole Body Dental. Our talented team of dental specialists strives to live up to our practice name: We practice whole-person dentistry. 

This approach helps you maintain your oral health as a facet of your overall wellness. 

We understand that both dental health and your appearance are important to you. That’s why we offer the most advanced cosmetic dentistry treatments available today at our office in Bellevue, Washington.

Zoom!® WhiteSpeed, one of our most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments, uses a state-of-the-art system to whiten your teeth dramatically in just one visit to our office. 

We apply a powerful 25% hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth and use a special blue ultraviolet (UV) lamp to activate the gel. This breaks down stains to rapidly whiten your teeth.

Most of our patients need three 15-minute sessions (all within the same appointment). When you leave our office, your teeth are up to eight shades whiter. Naturally, with such a stunning new smile, you want to protect and preserve it as long as possible. These tips can help. 

Avoid these teeth stainers

Certain foods and drinks can quickly stain your smile. Those foods and drinks are probably some of the reasons that you need professional teeth whitening in the first place. Avoiding or limiting the following can help you keep your newly white smile. 

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Dark sodas
  • Tomato sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Deep-colored fruits, like blackberries and pomegranates

Cigarettes aren’t a food, but they almost always cause teeth staining. The chemicals in cigarettes can cause yellowing or browning of teeth, so it’s best to quit now. 

Smokers are twice as likely to develop gum disease and are far more likely to experience tooth decay. So, quitting smoking also gives you other big benefits, like helping you save your teeth. 

Schedule teeth cleaning every six months 

We recommend professional teeth cleanings with our dental hygienist every six months. Professional cleanings can remove some of the surface stains that brushing and flossing alone can’t. 

We usually schedule your dental checkup during the same appointment to make it easy and convenient to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. 

Consider touch-up whitening at home 

The results of your in-office teeth whitening can last quite a while, with many patients enjoying much whiter teeth for a year or longer. Zoom! also makes home whitening kits to help patients enjoy the longest-lasting results. 

We can create custom-made whitening trays that fit your mouth perfectly. You take home the trays and a supply of whitening gel. While it’s not as strong as what we use in the office, it’s a good way to lift minor stains and keep your smile looking its best between your chairside whitening appointments. 

Ready to schedule your teeth whitening or need to get a touch-up to look your best? Your best smile ever is within easy reach. Contact us online or call our office at 425-842-0435 to schedule your appointment today.